Hypnosis for Connecting to your Angels (Collaboration With Joe Treacy)


Duration 41:47mins


A soft hypnotic session created for you to connect to your Guardian Angels. You do not need to hold special powers or be holy, anyone can connect to their special Angels.

There are many reasons and benefits to connect with Guardian Angels, not only you can ask for healing or to simply help you relax, you can also ask them to help your loved ones. Your Angels can help you in a time of sorrow, challenging obstacles, sadness; they can help uplift your spirits, answer questions you need answers to, help you with your creativity or simply help when you are stuck in life. Angels can help you love and to feel loved. They can also help you find a person you need in your life, a love or a business partner, just ask…

I hope that you enjoy and receive gifts that Angels are eager to give you.

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